Patty's Address to ACA
In the beginning of the year, I spoke about our theme of Educating Educators and what that meant to me. In looking back over all we have accomplished this year, Educating Educators has taken on an even greater meaning than I had hoped for as the year began. As an organization, our Executive Committee and our members worked hard to educated the faculty, staff, and administration of our university about what we do and why it is important. We took steps to ensure that as changes were made at the university, we had a seat at the table. We advocated for our colleagues to ensure that when policies were made or budgets were cut, our voice was heard.
And once again I’ll say “be careful what you wish for,” or in this case, work for. As a result, ACA now has representation on seven university committees:
Student Dean’s Committee
Provost’s Council on Academic Advising
Review of Student Records Committee
Educational Policy Committee
Council on Academic Programs
2 Degree Audit Working Groups (Operational & Policy)
We also expect to be on other ad-hoc committees and working groups with Provost Leslie and Vice Provost Ritter regarding the Task Force on Enrollment Strategy Report in the near future.
I am proud to have led the Executive Committee and our organization this year as we promoted advising excellence throughout the university. I am grateful for the dedication, tact, and overall positive attitude from the members of the 2009-2010 Executive Committee. They shared my vision of a professional organization that would be on the minds of the administration when they wanted advice or expertise in student services and advising, and they worked with me to gain the respect we deserve from all areas of campus.
Again, it was my pleasure to serve as your President this year. I am very proud of the strides we’ve taken and know that Andi and next year’s committee will continue to take our organization to the next level. Thank you.
The 2009-2010 Executive Committee Bids Farewell
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