Y'all know how these go; in the essence of time, please enjoy a smattering of photos for a Recap Wrap Up!
Some of our lovely members:
Our fabulous Madame President, welcoming the group once again:
Some of our wonderful presenters:
And the weird and wonderful things our presenters convince the ACA community do:
And finally, I'll leave you with this little video of Josh Barham reading part of his advising philosophy slam poem at the April meeting. Delightful!
That does it for Sarah McKay's stint as your ACA Historian for the 2014-2015 academic year. Thank you all for tuning in to read my little recaps and indulging in my penchant for silliness! It's been fun capturing moments of the advising community this year, and my hope is that it's inspired some lightheartedness for others throughout this advising work that sometimes gets so heavy. Keep on keepin' on, ACA!