Thanks to the Study Abroad Office for sponsoring social time! |
"Appreciating Campus Administrators" honoree, Deputy to the President, Dr. Charles Roeckle. | |
Dr. Roeckle spoke briefly about his devotion to academic advising on campus, his years of service as a faculty advisor, and some of the advising initiatives with which he has been involved. |
Jen Morgan from Undergraduate Studies briefed ACA on changes to the Science and Technology portion of the university core for the 12-14 catalog. |
Representing the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC), Elizabeth Wilson spoke about the "Together>Alone" campaign to train students and other members of the UT community in suicide prevention. Using skill building, role playing, and other techniques, CMHC raises awareness of resources and attempts to reduce the stigma associated with the issue. Upon request, CMHC will conduct workshops in suicide prevention; the ACA ROAD Committee has just such a workshop scheduled for March 4 at 1:00 in CLA .122. |
Gina Gordon (left) and Dr. Gale Stuart spoke about the Student Engagement in the Research University (SERU) Survey. The SERU Survey is intended for use on select research university campuses; it provides a "snapshot" of student experiences on such campuses, UT included. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes, and the results allow campus administrators to "drill down" for information on items as specific as student feelings and opinions about their majors, about student "wellness," and much more, including assessment of advising. SERU is essentially a campus "census." This spring, the SERU administrators ask advisors' help in encouraging students to take and complete the survey. |
The meeting adjourned shortly thereafter.