A huge THANKS to New Student Services for sponsoring and presenting at our meeting. They featured treats at the meeting was Amy's Ice Cream!
New Student Services
The staff from New Student Services discussed the changes happening to orientation for summer 2012.
Marc Musick - Associate Dean in Liberal Arts who has a special appointment by President Faulkner to oversee New Student Services.
Cristi Biggs, Assistant Dean of Students
Cristi Biggs, K.J. Harris, Esmer Bedia, & Kyle Clark - members of the New Student Services Team.
Undergraduate Studies
David Spight discussed the reorganization of the Sanger Career Counseling Services (which happened in March) and the office transitions occuring within the School of Undergraduate Studies during the month of May.
ACA Professional Development & Student Scholarships
Sarah McKay and Janice Williams, members of hte ACA Awards & Recognition Committee, announced the winners of each of the $250 Professional Development and Student Scholarships.
Student Scholarships
Staff Professional Develoment Scholarships
ACA Executive Officer Nominee Speeches for 2012-2013
Student Scholarships
Kayla Freeman - Radio/Television/Film senior.
Nancy Cardenas - Government & International Relations/Global Studies senior
Staff Professional Develoment Scholarships
Patty Micks - Senior Program Coodinator in The School of Undergraduate Studies First Year Experience
Kristen Kessel - Academic Advisor in the School of Social Work
ACA Executive Officer Nominee Speeches for 2012-2013
The nomination process was coordinated by Jennifer Jordan, ACA Secretary and Academic Advisor in the Biological Sciences Advising Center. Jennifer announced nominations in the April meeting and collected nominees throughout the month of May. Candidates for ACA Excecutive Officer positions were asked to give their nomination speeches.
The Candidates for President Elect were not able to make the ACA Meeting, but each asked an ACA Member to deliver a speech on their behalf. JoAnne Huber read Kelly Strait's speech and Lovelys Powell read Rob Poyner's speech.
ACA Co-Vice Presidents/Program Co-ChairNominees - Kayla Ford & Kristin Tommey
ACA Co-Secretary Nominees - Julia Chinnock & Cynthia Sullivan
ACA Co-Historian Nominees - Cynthia Gladstone (look between the fingers) & Angela Mirabito (as played by Lovelys Powell)
ACA Public Relations/Communication Coordinator Nominee - Mathew Haynes
Past Presidnet JoAnne Huber reads Kelly Strait's President-Elect speech
At the conclusion of the meeting, all uncontested nominees were voted in by the membership, leaving ACA President-Elect as the sole office to be elected by ballot. Jennifer Jordan, ACA Secretary, announced the process for the election and the deadline for casting votes.
The current ACA Executive Officers take a picture as they anticipate the election of their replacements.