The meeting was held in the Norman Hackerman Building, giving ACA members an opportunity to see one of the newer buildings on campus.
As usual, members feasted on tasty treats provided by the meeting sponsor and had an opportunity to catch up after our not-long-enough winter break.
Sustainability Directory
Our featured presenters were Jim Walker (Director of Sustainability) and Alice Gerhart (Sustainability Academics Assistant Manager) from the Office of Campus Planning & Facilities Management who introduced the Sustainability Directory, which was funded by the Office of the Provost. This useful tool was designed to communicate the scope and strength of the university's academic offerings with regard to sustainability. The directory includes faculty/staff profiles, research initiatives, courses, degree programs, and curriculum, as well as centers and institutes with a sustainability focus.
Internal Transfer Information
Attendees were also given an opportunity to hear from the various colleges, schools and departments that have an internal transfer process for students. Thanks to all of our presenters for making this meeting an excellent learning opportunity for new advisors, and an great refresher for the more seasoned advisors. A special thanks to the School of Undergraduate Studies Center for Strategic Advising Center for providing an on-line resource about the Internal Transfer Process.
Missing photo: Roland Garcia from the College of Fine Arts (sorry!)
Joel Mendolusky from the Department of Psychology College of Liberal Arts
Xavier Oaks from the College of Communication
Jesse Garcia from the Jackson School of Geosciences
Richard Hogeda from the College of Education
Katrina Kosted from the School of Architecture
Diana Flannery from the Cockrell School of Engineering
Rebeca Trevino from the School of Nursing
Kristen Boyd from the School of Social Work
Charles Enriquez from the McCombs School of Business